Valid Measurements that Deliver the Right People for the Right Job |
For the past 30 years we have developed close working relationships with our clients. Our clients know who to contact when they need further interpretation of assessment results and how to get prompt answers to their questions. Through an active partnership with our clients, we learn the organization's culture which allows us to customize the assessment reports to meet their needs. Our committed long term relationships with our clients frequently grow into strategic consulting roles with senior executives. [Hide] ![]()
Our validated assessment batteries provide a comprehensive view of each perspective employee in terms of skills, aptitudes, attitude and preferences. We do not rely upon any one test to make personnel decisions since using a single measure provides a limited view of a person's potential. Our assessment batteries capture a more complete picture of an individual and whether or not he/she is an appropriate fit for the job as well as the company culture. [Hide]
![]() Our validated assessment batteries reduce organizational uncertainty about hiring and promotional decisions by providing objective information about a candidate's talents and fit for a job position. The assessment data are used in conjunction with a candidate's resume, interviews, track record and references to add objectivity to selection decisions. To guard against the misuse of assessment data, we provide telephone consultation with hiring managers to support their understanding of the assessment findings.[Hide]
We are Measurement Specialists who utilize scientific and objective methods in studying jobs and the people who fill the job. We deliver statistically-driven results and back up our assessments with documented validity evidence. Although we are scientifically focused, we effectively communicate and interpret data into practical applications. Assessment resports are reviewed with decision makers to assure a clear understanding of the results and to prevent any misinterpretations. [hide]
We pride ourselves on maintaining high integrity by ensuring that the implemented assessments conform to professional and legal guidelines established for the initiation of valid employment tests. Furthermore, we advocate for proctored assessment sessions to ensure the identity of the candidate as well as the standardization of controlled administration (i.e., freedom from distractions & interruptions, no outside assistance provided, best efforts put forth). [hide]
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